Showing posts with label July. Show all posts
Showing posts with label July. Show all posts

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Ontario Trail News - lot's of news from Ontario Trails Members! Join today!

Mattawa Area Trails

Spartan Race

2014 Location needed

About Spartan Race:

We do 5+k, 12+k and 20+k obstacle course races throughout eastern Canada each year during the months of May, June and July.  This season our events were hosted at Hardwood Bike and Ski. They are currently seeking a new venue for the 2014 race season.
  • 5+k events typically host 5-7,000 racers and 2-3,000 spectators per day and are 2 day events (Saturday, Sunday)
Basic information on venue requirements:
  • Within 1 - 1.5 hours of GTA
  • Elevational changes (we have done events at multiple ski locations)
  • Wooded areas
  • Sufficient open space for location of our "village" and several of the obstacles (although most obstacles are placed along the course)
  • Water - lake, river, stream is highly desirable but not mandatory
  • Electric connection near the village area is highly desirable but not mandatory
  • Access to sufficient parking (onsite is desirable, but remote is acceptable).
  • Parking for 5-7000 racers 
If you have the trails and the site - give me a call! Patrick 613-396-3226

Hamilton-Burlington Trails Committee

French River Trails
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Thursday, September 26, 2013

Ontario Trails News - from your source for trail information in Ontario, Ontario Trails Council

Ganaraska Forest Trail

Hike Haliburton Festival

Ontario Trails and Ontario Equestrian Federation launch horse survey
ontario horse survey
Download the Map App!

ontario trails mobile app
Customer Reviews
by klc0718
What a fantastic app! I am always looking for new trails near home and while camping and this will make it so much easier! I love the level of detail... length, difficulty, terrain, photos etc. I've read some negative reviews complaining about the map coverage and the omission of some trails...But I find it quite fine for my needs and there are usually links to the appropriate trail association's website for those requiring a higher level of detail. I think it's a great starting point for when you want to get an idea of what's around you but you don't want to waste several hours doing internet research. And there are many, many trails in Ontario; I'm not surprised if they aren't all included in the very first edition of this app. I'm sure Ontario Trails will be more than happy to include any missed trails that people bring to their attention. Personally, though, I find the current listings to be quite comprehensive. Great work Ontario Trails!
Super app 
by szturmowka
I was waiting for something like that for long time I am big fan of hiking

Spartan Race -Do you have the Trail?
spartan race
About Spartan Race:

We do 5+k, 12+k and 20+k obstacle course races throughout eastern Canada each year during the months of May, June and July.  This season our events were hosted at Hardwood Bike and Ski. They are currently seeking a new venue for the 2014 race season.
  • 5+k events typically host 5-7,000 racers and 2-3,000 spectators per day and are 2 day events (Saturday, Sunday)
Basic information on venue requirements:
  • Within 1 - 1.5 hours of GTA
  • Elevational changes (we have done events at multiple ski locations)
  • Wooded areas
  • Sufficient open space for location of our "village" and several of the obstacles (although most obstacles are placed along the course)
  • Water - lake, river, stream is highly desirable but not mandatory
  • Electric connection near the village area is highly desirable but not mandatory
  • Access to sufficient parking (onsite is desirable, but remote is acceptable).
  • Parking for 5-7000 racers 
If you have the trails and the site - give me a call! Patrick 613-396-3226

Trail Questions
1) Capital Funding for Trails - Please take a minute to complete the capital funding section of our survey. A s many communities head into the budget cycle other communities want to get an idea of the relative and comparative amounts communities of similar size are investing in their trails. Please go to:

capital data survey


Does your forest landbase ever get land transferred to it through someone’s estate?  If so,
1.       How do you get the word out about transferring land over?
2.       What kind of process is involved?  Do you have a contract that outlines how the land will be managed, any disclaimers, etc?
3.       How often does this happen?
Linda Touzin, R.P.F. District Forester Tel:  613-258-8268 Fax: 613-258-3920 Email:

Trails Education - Select a Program!
algonquin college trails education

We have updated the program and our 14 module program is here for the using. If you have staff to train, trails to manage or want a session in your area on a particular topic let us know. We'll coordinate a session or series on your behalf.
Volunteer ManagementView PDF
Business Planning and BudgettingView PDF
Regulation and LegislationView PDF
Ecosystem and Natural HeritageView PDF
Wilderness First AidView PDF
Food and NutritionView PDF
Marketing and PromotionView PDF
Health and SafetyView PDF
Technology for Trails - Level 1View PDF
Trail Design (2 days)View PDF
Trail Risk ManagementView PDF
Trail Committee DevelopmentManual
Trail Steward- On Line LearningProgram
Trail Planning - On LineProgram

Performance Measures - Trail Counts!

ontario trails counts
Low maintenance - Using weatherproof decals our methods allow users to quickly and easily provide you with information you need to assess, improve, direct, re-direct, or provide information to the user - while on the trail. Our proprietary method has been developed by over 140 trail users and with the input of The City of Thunder Bay and Norfolk County Trail Managers.

Packages - OTC Member? - Take $25.00 off each package!
  • Blue - 4-10 trails:  $300.00 plus HST and registration fees
    • Maximum 20 sheets of decals
  • Green - 10-20 trails: $500.00 plus HST and registration fees
    • Maximum 40 sheets of decals
  • Gold - 20 or more trails: Starting at $1,000 plus HST and registration fees
    • TBD
Go to Trail Counts! to purchase. Thanks
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Sunday, September 15, 2013

Ontario Trails News - your source for trail information about Ontario's trails

Ganaraska Forest Trail

Hike Haliburton Festival

Ontario Trails and Ontario Equestrian Federation launch horse survey
ontario horse survey
Download the Map App!

ontario trails mobile app
Customer Reviews
by klc0718
What a fantastic app! I am always looking for new trails near home and while camping and this will make it so much easier! I love the level of detail... length, difficulty, terrain, photos etc. I've read some negative reviews complaining about the map coverage and the omission of some trails...But I find it quite fine for my needs and there are usually links to the appropriate trail association's website for those requiring a higher level of detail. I think it's a great starting point for when you want to get an idea of what's around you but you don't want to waste several hours doing internet research. And there are many, many trails in Ontario; I'm not surprised if they aren't all included in the very first edition of this app. I'm sure Ontario Trails will be more than happy to include any missed trails that people bring to their attention. Personally, though, I find the current listings to be quite comprehensive. Great work Ontario Trails!
Super app 
by szturmowka
I was waiting for something like that for long time I am big fan of hiking

Spartan Race -Do you have the Trail?
spartan race
About Spartan Race:

We do 5+k, 12+k and 20+k obstacle course races throughout eastern Canada each year during the months of May, June and July.  This season our events were hosted at Hardwood Bike and Ski. They are currently seeking a new venue for the 2014 race season.
  • 5+k events typically host 5-7,000 racers and 2-3,000 spectators per day and are 2 day events (Saturday, Sunday)
Basic information on venue requirements:
  • Within 1 - 1.5 hours of GTA
  • Elevational changes (we have done events at multiple ski locations)
  • Wooded areas
  • Sufficient open space for location of our "village" and several of the obstacles (although most obstacles are placed along the course)
  • Water - lake, river, stream is highly desirable but not mandatory
  • Electric connection near the village area is highly desirable but not mandatory
  • Access to sufficient parking (onsite is desirable, but remote is acceptable).
  • Parking for 5-7000 racers 
If you have the trails and the site - give me a call! Patrick 613-396-3226

Trail Questions
1) Capital Funding for Trails - Please take a minute to complete the capital funding section of our survey. A s many communities head into the budget cycle other communities want to get an idea of the relative and comparative amounts communities of similar size are investing in their trails. Please go to:

capital data survey


Does your forest landbase ever get land transferred to it through someone’s estate?  If so,
1.       How do you get the word out about transferring land over?
2.       What kind of process is involved?  Do you have a contract that outlines how the land will be managed, any disclaimers, etc?
3.       How often does this happen?
Linda Touzin, R.P.F. District Forester Tel:  613-258-8268 Fax: 613-258-3920 Email:

Trails Education - Select a Program!
algonquin college trails education

We have updated the program and our 14 module program is here for the using. If you have staff to train, trails to manage or want a session in your area on a particular topic let us know. We'll coordinate a session or series on your behalf.
Volunteer ManagementView PDF
Business Planning and BudgettingView PDF
Regulation and LegislationView PDF
Ecosystem and Natural HeritageView PDF
Wilderness First AidView PDF
Food and NutritionView PDF
Marketing and PromotionView PDF
Health and SafetyView PDF
Technology for Trails - Level 1View PDF
Trail Design (2 days)View PDF
Trail Risk ManagementView PDF
Trail Committee DevelopmentManual
Trail Steward- On Line LearningProgram
Trail Planning - On LineProgram

Performance Measures - Trail Counts!

ontario trails counts
Low maintenance - Using weatherproof decals our methods allow users to quickly and easily provide you with information you need to assess, improve, direct, re-direct, or provide information to the user - while on the trail. Our proprietary method has been developed by over 140 trail users and with the input of The City of Thunder Bay and Norfolk County Trail Managers.

Packages - OTC Member? - Take $25.00 off each package!
  • Blue - 4-10 trails:  $300.00 plus HST and registration fees
    • Maximum 20 sheets of decals
  • Green - 10-20 trails: $500.00 plus HST and registration fees
    • Maximum 40 sheets of decals
  • Gold - 20 or more trails: Starting at $1,000 plus HST and registration fees
    • TBD
Go to Trail Counts! to purchase. Thanks
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Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Ontario Trails News - Trail Counts, Trail Courses and hiking trails in Algoma!


Ontario Trails and Ontario Equestrian Federation launch horse survey
ontario horse survey
Download the Map App!

ontario trails mobile app
Customer Reviews
by klc0718
What a fantastic app! I am always looking for new trails near home and while camping and this will make it so much easier! I love the level of detail... length, difficulty, terrain, photos etc. I've read some negative reviews complaining about the map coverage and the omission of some trails...But I find it quite fine for my needs and there are usually links to the appropriate trail association's website for those requiring a higher level of detail. I think it's a great starting point for when you want to get an idea of what's around you but you don't want to waste several hours doing internet research. And there are many, many trails in Ontario; I'm not surprised if they aren't all included in the very first edition of this app. I'm sure Ontario Trails will be more than happy to include any missed trails that people bring to their attention. Personally, though, I find the current listings to be quite comprehensive. Great work Ontario Trails!
Super app 
by szturmowka
I was waiting for something like that for long time I am big fan of hiking

Spartan Race -Do you have the Trail?
spartan race
About Spartan Race:

We do 5+k, 12+k and 20+k obstacle course races throughout eastern Canada each year during the months of May, June and July.  This season our events were hosted at Hardwood Bike and Ski. They are currently seeking a new venue for the 2014 race season.
  • 5+k events typically host 5-7,000 racers and 2-3,000 spectators per day and are 2 day events (Saturday, Sunday)
Basic information on venue requirements:
  • Within 1 - 1.5 hours of GTA
  • Elevational changes (we have done events at multiple ski locations)
  • Wooded areas
  • Sufficient open space for location of our "village" and several of the obstacles (although most obstacles are placed along the course)
  • Water - lake, river, stream is highly desirable but not mandatory
  • Electric connection near the village area is highly desirable but not mandatory
  • Access to sufficient parking (onsite is desirable, but remote is acceptable).
  • Parking for 5-7000 racers 
If you have the trails and the site - give me a call! Patrick 613-396-3226

Trail Questions
1) Capital Funding for Trails - Please take a minute to complete the capital funding section of our survey. A s many communities head into the budget cycle other communities want to get an idea of the relative and comparative amounts communities of similar size are investing in their trails. Please go to:

capital data survey


Does your forest landbase ever get land transferred to it through someone’s estate?  If so,
1.       How do you get the word out about transferring land over?
2.       What kind of process is involved?  Do you have a contract that outlines how the land will be managed, any disclaimers, etc?
3.       How often does this happen?
Linda Touzin, R.P.F. District Forester Tel:  613-258-8268 Fax: 613-258-3920 Email:

Trails Education - Select a Program!
algonquin college trails education

We have updated the program and our 14 module program is here for the using. If you have staff to train, trails to manage or want a session in your area on a particular topic let us know. We'll coordinate a session or series on your behalf.
Volunteer ManagementView PDF
Business Planning and BudgettingView PDF
Regulation and LegislationView PDF
Ecosystem and Natural HeritageView PDF
Wilderness First AidView PDF
Food and NutritionView PDF
Marketing and PromotionView PDF
Health and SafetyView PDF
Technology for Trails - Level 1View PDF
Trail Design (2 days)View PDF
Trail Risk ManagementView PDF
Trail Committee DevelopmentManual
Trail Steward- On Line LearningProgram
Trail Planning - On LineProgram

Performance Measures - Trail Counts!

ontario trails counts
Low maintenance - Using weatherproof decals our methods allow users to quickly and easily provide you with information you need to assess, improve, direct, re-direct, or provide information to the user - while on the trail. Our proprietary method has been developed by over 140 trail users and with the input of The City of Thunder Bay and Norfolk County Trail Managers.

Packages - OTC Member? - Take $25.00 off each package!
  • Blue - 4-10 trails:  $300.00 plus HST and registration fees
    • Maximum 20 sheets of decals
  • Green - 10-20 trails: $500.00 plus HST and registration fees
    • Maximum 40 sheets of decals
  • Gold - 20 or more trails: Starting at $1,000 plus HST and registration fees
    • TBD
Go to Trail Counts! to purchase. Thanks

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Sunday, July 28, 2013

Ontario Trail News - Toronto Hikes, Bikes and Helmets and more from Ontario Trails!

Home News High Park walking tours get city
The walks are volunteer-led with support of Toronto Parks, Forestry and Recreation. 
July 21: Exploring Spring Creek Ravine with Stephen Smith Aug.
See all stories on this topic »
Hike through Taylor Creek Park shows off Don
Detailed instructions and maps for pre-planned hikes along the Don River are 
available online, fromToronto and Region Conservation Authority's Walk the Don ...
See all stories on this topic »




Home  Opinion  Editorial  EDITORIAL: Discover your own trail adventure here...
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Jul 24, 2013  |   
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EDITORIAL: Discover your own trail adventure here in the city

Beach Mirror
Our city is a bustling place where the day-to-day grind can take a toll. For those looking for a little back-to-nature respite, we’ve got the perfect adventure waiting for you, just steps away from your front door.
In this edition’s special feature, we highlight local hiking trails and others across the city where people can go to spot wildlife, keep active, socialize and re-energize.
Other stories we’ve collected online will take you butterfly watching along the Leslie Street Spit, jogging through the ravines of the Don River and exploring the ecosystems of the 250-acre Humber Arboretum in north Etobicoke.
There’s a surprising number of hiking and walking trails in our city. There are so many, we couldn’t list them all within our feature.
When you walk some of them it’s easy to forget you’re in the middle of a bustling urban centre - like when you’re following the winding trails through the tall, dense forests of High Park. Others have landmark reminders, like the condo tower that looms over the meadowland of the Humber Arboretum.
But all, some would suggest, have the power to refresh the spirit. The federal non-profit group Turtlefeather True Nature uses outings along these trails to help women who have experienced abuse gain confidence and reduce stress. It’s also a welcome outlet for groups like the Metro Toronto Fitness Club, who has been taking to the trails for years (nearly 50 in this case), seeking not only outdoor activity but new friendships. The group meets weekly for social walks and organizes social activities on a regular basis.
Though one wouldn’t normally associate hiking and city life, these protected green spaces prove the two can complement one another and we hope our feature will prove to our readers that hiking is accessible here in our communities.
So pack a lunch, grab the sunscreen (and bug spray) and head out on your own trail adventure. These green spaces provide a natural oasis that can’t be fully appreciated until you’re there.
Take time for yourself, or bring the whole family and discover the great outdoors right in your backyard.

Frustrated by B.C. safety laws, Vancouver prepares to roll out helmet vending machines at bike-share stations

 |  | Last Updated: 13/07/25 8:04 PM ET
More from Tristin Hopper | @TristinHopper
In 2010, the city of Melbourne, Australia, introduced helmet vending machines for its bike-sharers.
Premier of Victoria / YouTubeIn 2010, the city of Melbourne, Australia, introduced helmet vending machines for its bike-sharers.
Despite its near-rabid commitment to bike lanes, this week Vancouver became the last of Canada’s three most populous cities to inaugurate a municipal bike-share system. Throughout, proponents have laid the blame for this laggard-status squarely on B.C.’s 17-year-old helmet law. Unlike in Toronto or Montreal, any lidless Vancouverite caught atop two wheels faces a $100 fine. But now, with city hall having given the go-ahead for shared bike stations to hit Vancouver streets by 2014, the city has a convenient workaround: Helmet vending machines. The Post‘s Tristin Hopper asks the relevant questions.
Q Really? A machine that dispenses helmets? HelmetHub machine, completed and revealed at MIT, is capable of stocking and collecting up to 36 helmets at a time.
A Yes, and it’s not even Vancouver’s idea. In 2011, the geniuses at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology developed the HelmetHub, a refrigerator-sized machine that cranks out 36 helmets. The year before, the city of Melbourne, Australia, introduced helmet vending machines for its bike-sharers. Even Canadian companies have entered the helmet-vending game. Two years ago, the City of Vancouver contracted a local company, SandVault Group Global Solutions Corp., to build a prototype in only 41 days. But now that Vancouver has signed with Alta Bicycle Share, the company that built the Melbourne system, the SandVault machine remains hidden from public view. “It’s an eight-foot tall ornament in my warehouse,” said SandVault president Rick Murray.
Q So, Melbourne already has this system. How did that go?
A Not so well. Even with heavily subsidized helmet-dispensers, “the bike scheme has been crippled by Melbourne’s compulsory helmet laws,” wrote the Melbourne daily newspaper The Age. One problem was that the city only had two helmet vending machines, and everybody else had to pick theirs up at a local 7-Eleven. Now, as a stop-gap solution, the city’s bike-share operators have simply begun handing out free helmets and asking users to attach them to the bikes when they were done. Last month, Alta Bicycle Share CEO Michael Jones told a Vancouver Metro reporter that they intended to learn from their mistake in Vancouver. “It’s going to be a seamless rental process … you can rent the bike and the helmet at the same time,” he said.
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