Showing posts with label Risk assessment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Risk assessment. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Trailhead Ontario Day 3 - June 20, 2012

Managing Risk for Trails

Training Overview

The purpose of this module is to expose participants to the principles of risk management and to demonstrate risk assessment tools participants can use to manage risk as they apply to trail design, construction and maintenance. Participants will walk away with a broad understanding of risk management related to trails and the knowledge to undertake specific risk assessments of their home trail environment.

This 10 hour workshop will run over an evening and the following day. Participants should be prepared for outdoor activities as this course includes practical elements such as trail inspections – depending on the workshop location this may include moderate walking or hiking. The class size is capped at 12 participants to maximize experiential learning opportunities.

The course includes a follow up activity focusing on local implementation of the risk assessment process. Coaching and consultation is included in the course package to assist participants transfer the workshop principles to real-life application.

Teaching Methodology

Recognizing participants will be coming from a range of backgrounds and education levels the course will be delivered using a number of adult learning strategies and teaching methods including:
Group discussion
Lecture with supporting visual aids
Small group activities
Applied knowledge sharing
Practical in-field activities
Case studies

Workshop Topics
Introduction and Overview
Developing a Risk Management Framework The Canadian and Ontario Legal Systems Negligence and Liability
The Law and Trails
Insurance and the Transfer of Risk
Occupational Health and Safety
Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (HIRA) HIRA Application on the Trail
On the Trail Again - take away risk assessment assignment

Supporting Resources
Managing Risk eBook
Trails Risk Assessment Template
On the Trail Again Assignment Resource Package
Follow-up email and phone support for local implementation
Managing Risk for Trails Workshop Schedule*

Day One – Evening Session (June 19, 2012)

1830 – 1900 Introduction and Overview

1900 – 1945 Developing a Risk Management Framework

1945 – 2000 Break

2000 – 2130 The Canadian and Ontario Legal Systems

Day Two - June 20, 2012

0830 – 0930 Negligence and Liability

0930 – 1000 Exercise/Discussion***

1000 – 1015 Break

1015 – 1100 The Law and Trails

1100 – 1130 Insurance and the Transfer of Risk

1130 – 1200 Occupational Health and Safety

1200 – 1300 Break

1300 – 1400 Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (HIRA)

1400 – 1500 HIRA Application***

1500 – 1515 Break

1515 – 1645 HIRA Exercise/Case Study***

1645 – 1700 On the Trail Again - take away risk assessment assignment

1700 – 1730 Wrap up & Course Evaluation

Copyright Direct Bearing Inc, 2012
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