Showing posts with label OFA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label OFA. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Ontario Trails News - thanks to all our presenters at Trailhead Ontario 2016! Thanks to OHTO and Renfrew for their support!


L'écoute de Louise Bissonette de Prescott Russell Sentiers parler de sentiers dans cette région. Nous avons appris beaucoup de choses sur leurs boucles et les grandes cartes qu'ils ont produites . Merci Louise !

Learning about the connection of the Trans Canada Trail across the country. Thanks to Mike Goodyear for bringing us their update and thanks to Jane Murphy for facilitating his involvement. Thank-you

Very pleased to welcome Peter Jeffery from the Ontario Federation of Agriculture to Trailhead Ontario 2016! Thank you Peter.
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Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Ontario Trails News - we welcome clarifying statements from the Ontario Federation of Agriculture on the Ontario Trails Act - we call for a stoppage to trail closures

Ontario Federation of Agriculture comments on Bill 100Description: OFA_E_PMS.jpg
OFA Commentary: February 19, 2016
Easements are voluntary in Supporting Ontario Trails Act

By Paul Wettlaufer, Director, Ontario Federation of Agriculture

There’s a lot of talk in the countryside about Bill 100, the proposedSupporting Ontario Trails Act. The act was introduced in the Ontario legislature in May, 2015 and has generated much confusion over whether or not a landowner has a choice to grant an easement. Trail-related easements are entirely voluntary under Bill 100.

Ontario farmers have a long history of providing, upon request, access to their land for public use. The proposed act includes rules for easements for landowners wishing to share their land on a seasonal or year-long basis. That being said, Bill 100 does not force farmers and rural property owners to enter into any trail-related easement agreements.

The Ontario Federation of Agriculture (OFA) carefully reviewed Bill 100 and provided comments in June 2015. In our submission, OFA noted section 12 of the legislation is clear that an owner’s decision to enter into a trail easement is their own choice and is completely voluntary. The legislation clearly states a landowner may grant an easement to allow use of their property and have the right to state the length or term of the agreement. That means Ontario farmers and rural property owners will retain a choice and should not feel obligated to enter into any easement agreement for recreational trail use.

OFA does have concerns with the Supporting Ontario Trails Act, including insufficient fines for trespassing and vague best practices for trail operators. To read OFA’s full submission and comments on Bill 100,

Ontario’s farmers have a unique perspective on trails. Former railways crossed through farms, hiking trails run through or adjacent to farmland and many farmers voluntarily permit seasonal use of their land for snowmobile trails. There’s a lot to consider when farmers permit recreational trails on their property. Land easements under Bill 100 and the proposed Supporting Ontario Trails Act are voluntary and should be carefully considered before being granted. If in doubt, consult legal counsel if you any questions about allowing access to your property for recreational purposes.

Ontarians are fortunate to have such a rich and beautiful countryside. It is worth working together to share our appreciation of our natural landscape.


For more information, contact:
Paul Wettlaufer
Ontario Federation of Agriculture

Neil Currie
General Manager
Ontario Federation of Agriculture
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Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Ontario Trails - Daily Trails News from Ontario Trails Council

Walk to school helps families connect
Toronto Star
“What I love about the walk is that every day is different,” says Toronto dad Anthony Westenberg. “One day we stop at a garden filled with snails, and we'll stop and count the snails, another day we'll hear Garrison Creek flowing really loud after a ...
See all stories on this topic »


See Ontario Trails Facebook Page for more trail stories


You have until DECEMBER 15 to submit your event to Get Out There Magazine’s calendar for inclusion in the 2013 Race & Event Guide issue.

It takes less than a minute to submit your event for exposure to thousands of active Canadians. Submit your event at

Have a wonderful holiday season!

Marissa Schroder
Publisher, Get Out There Magazine / Get Out There Online
1200 - 1 Aberfoyle Cres.
Toronto, Ontario M8X 2X8


Today is the day! Not only will the OFA...
Ontario Forestry Association 8:55am Dec 10
Today is the day! Not only will the OFA receive a $5.00 donation for each t-shirt purchased but there are NO shipping fees!


Ontario Trail Experiences on our Youtube Channel
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Horses -  

Rural communities in Wellington County are constantly seeking to increase economic activity. The horse industry has been one of the major forms supporting economic growth in rural Ontario. This research will investigate the potential for horse trail system development in Wellington County. The resu...


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Be sure to sign up for the weekly OTC Newsletter " Trailwise" you can sign up at the link through the picture to the right. Or if you prefer download a recent copy from the OTC Website - Here

Supported by the Ontario Trillium Foundation
trails open in peterborough area
Trailhead Ontario 2013 Our Favourite Place, Peterborough
Our Plan for 2013 – We are working with the full support of  Our Favorite Place (RTO8), Peterborough and the Kawartha’s Tourism and a number of local trails groups to bring you the best Trailhead Ontario yet!. There are a lot of new trails and trail tourism partnerships in RTO8. The Ontario Trails “Trailhead Ontario 2013″ Committee is  is pleased to announce the Holiday Inn Waterfront Peterborough as the location of our conferencing. Site locations for our trail education program are being determined now.
New for 2013 -Regional Tourism development includes trails. Trail packages, trail experiences, trail destinations. This takes a blending of major destinations, natural topographies, parks, conservation, county forest and up to 18 different trail activities. What’s in your “Trail Mix”? What’s our plan for marketing this unique matrix of dynamic outdoor experiences so that the world can find the world’s best range of trail fun right here at home. 
Photo: Christine Painter @ RTO 8 assists with signs along TCT Trail! Photo Credit Northumberland News 
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