Showing posts with label ohto. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ohto. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Ontario Trails News - February 28, 2023


Get Your Tweed On: Windsor's Most Fashionable Bike Ride is Back - WindsorEats
After a six-year hiatus, the most fashionable cycling event in Windsor, Ontario, is returning with a bang on May 13, 2023. Get your tweed jackets, ...

Outdoor Scenery Along My Snowshoe Trail - Photos - The Weather Network
Beautiful Weather Outdoor Scenery Along My Snowshoe Trail. 961 views. ... Power outages and icy roads remind Ontario winter's not over.

Windsor rally calls for stronger measures to protect Ontario's ecosystems and biodiversity
Protesters are calling for the return of conservation authority powers and protection of their lands from development.

Fat bike event raises money for children with autism in late teenager's name
Eric Taschner; Videojournalist; Follow | ...

Feds inject more than $200K to improve Cambridge trail head area |
The head of the Cambridge to Paris Rail Trail is getting a facelift courtesy of a federal government grant.

Celebrating winter at Seguin. Ont.'s annual Sled Dog Mail Run - CTV News Barrie
"Getting to be out on this beautiful trail with my best friends exploring the lakes and forests of Ontario is the most amazing thing I've been ...

Two men rescued after plunging through ice on ATV - CTV News Barrie
Northern Ontario · Plenty of surprises already at Wright's second-degree murder trial. After just one week, there have ...

Mattawa River Canoe Race pulled from the water for 2023 | North Bay Nugget
The iconic canoe race will not be taking place this year. The North Bay Mattawa Conservation Authority states its goal is to return to the water ...

Reflection Wall is a Classic Ontario Ice Climb - Gripped Magazine
On March 4 is the Nipigon Ice Festival, one of Canada's longest running climbing eventsIce climbers can enjoy steep routes in Orient Bay and Kama ...

Learn to ski and snowboard in Ontario - CHCH
If you are a downhill skier, a snowboarder, cross-country enthusiast, snow tuber or want to learn, Kevin Nichol from the Ontario Snow Resorts ...

Video series showcases success of Regional Tourism Relief Fund in Ontario's Highlands
BEACHBURG — The Ontario's Highlands Tourism Organization (OHTO) recently ... of efforts to make the trails and amenities accessible to all.

Man in hospital with serious injuries after Fort Erie ATV crash - CHCH
A man is in hospital with life-threatening injuries after a vehicle struck him as he was riding an ATV in Fort Erie Wednesday morning.

All Kinds of Weather for Family Day at the Summerstown Trails - Cornwall Seaway News
Provided by Friends of the Summerstown Trails ... ALEXANDRIA, Ontario - According to Ontario's Ministry of Health, one case of COVID-19 has been ...

6 easy winter hikes around Ontario that will make you want to embrace the cold - Orillia Matters
This place sits on 370 acres of the Niagara Escarpment. You can cross-country ski along 27km of trails or hike 12km of trails with snowshoes. The ...

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Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Ontario Trails News - thanks to all our presenters at Trailhead Ontario 2016! Thanks to OHTO and Renfrew for their support!


L'écoute de Louise Bissonette de Prescott Russell Sentiers parler de sentiers dans cette région. Nous avons appris beaucoup de choses sur leurs boucles et les grandes cartes qu'ils ont produites . Merci Louise !

Learning about the connection of the Trans Canada Trail across the country. Thanks to Mike Goodyear for bringing us their update and thanks to Jane Murphy for facilitating his involvement. Thank-you

Very pleased to welcome Peter Jeffery from the Ontario Federation of Agriculture to Trailhead Ontario 2016! Thank you Peter.
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Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Ontario Trails News - Trailhead Ontario - thanks to all our great presenters!


Patrick Connor
Yesterday at 2:10pm · Calabogie ·
Listening and learning to Ole Hendrickson from Ottawa River Keeper about the river and about water trails and the work of ORK! Thanks Ole

Patrick Connor at Calabogie Peaks Resort.
Yesterday at 1:37pm · Calabogie ·
Learning all about the Frontenac Arch Biosphere and water trails in the region with Don Ross a longtime supporter of our work! thank you Don for presenting!

Patrick Connor
Yesterday at 10:40am · Calabogie ·

Learning about practical and necessary trails risk management processes with Jeff Jackson from Algonquin College the Otc trails certificate provider! Thanks Jeff.

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Monday, June 20, 2016

Ontario Trails News - program underway at Trailhead Ontario 2016!


At Trailhead Ontario a great two days to be sure! Warden Peter Emon and Mayor Wanda McKie opening our event!

Emily Conger presenting on the Algonquin to Adirondack Trail at Trailhead Ontario -

Working in Renfrew at Calabogie Peaks Resort with Carol Carol J Barthorpe Oitment thanks Carol!

Thanks to Melissa Pomeroy for her presentation from Ontario Trillium Foundation! A great supporter of communities and OTC over the years.

So pleased to be working with Nicole Whiting Executive Director of the Ontario's Highlands Tourism Organization a funding supporter of Trailhead Ontario.

Tourism destination in eastern Ontario! Thanks Jeremy!
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Monday, May 30, 2016

Ontario Trails News - Ontario Trails Concerned About Land Acquisition and OHTO supports Trailhead Ontario

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Ontario Trails Council concerned about Land Acquisition

Throughout the consultation process regarding Bill 100, the OTC became very concerned about the lack of awareness many landowners have regarding the process of allowing trail users on their land, and the lack of trust that exists in the minds of many landowners that "trail groups just want my land so they can give it to the province."

To this end, the OTC will be writing a "Landowner Bill of Rights"  so that private landowners will be made clearly aware of what they should expect from transparent, professional and principled trail organizations when they work with landowners that so generously give access to their land for trail use.

In the interim, if you are seeking land for trails - where can you turn for funds to make these acquisitions? The OTC usually deals with programs and projects with a current land owner facilitating trail development on lands already owned or managed by them. The "We Conserve" website lists the following as options for groups working to secure land for trails in Ontario – we share this information with our members.
Environment Canada (Ontario Region) publishes The Green Source, an excellent list of funding sources on its Funding Programs site.  It's about 100 pages, with a page on each separate funding source, and can be downloaded in PDF format. Some may offer $ for land securement.
The Canadian Environmental Grantmakers Network (CEGN) has links to all its member websites. It also has a searchable database of all grants given across Canada.  An excellent starting point.
Charity Village's Sources of Funding page will send you to lists of foundations and other useful sources of information. (You'll still need to do some digging!) Includes Adirondack to Algonquin Trail Organization – a presenter at Trailhead Ontario 2016
Eco-Action is the current environmental project fund managed by Environment Canada.  Priority for funding is given to projects that will achieve results in the following areas: clean air & climate change, clean water and nature. Funding can range from $500 to a maximum of $100,000; however, the average amount is about $25,000. Remember that for every dollar you receive from the federal government (including Eco-Action 2000), you must have at least the same amount from non-federal government sponsors. This can include cash contributions and in-kind support. OVER 7700 grants where returned when the term “trails” was applied. (21 years)
Green Investment Fund - Learn more about the Green Investment Fund, a down payment on Ontario’s pending Cap and Trade program, aimed at fighting climate change, boosting the economy and creating jobs. 0 trail grants
Great Lakes Renewal Foundation/Ontario Trillium Foundation Capital Grant - closed
TD Friends of the Environment Foundation funds local environmental projects across Canada. Whether you’re looking to get involved, donate, or fund a project take a look at some of the great projects in your community. Funds applied to trails, trail activity and equipment, trail development, just announced one in Marathon for $52,000.
Mountain Equipment Co-op has set aside 0.4% of its gross revenues each year for an environment fund that will give from $2,00 to $10,000 to projects such as land acquisition, and advocacy and education. Continuous intake

Community Foundations
Community foundations exist in major cities and towns across Canada to support community development projects, arts, culture, and the environment.  For more information on the more than 30 community foundations in Ontario, visit Community Foundations of Canada, or see their list of Ontario foundations.
“Friends of” Foundations - Friends of Ontario Parks are independent, not-for-profit charitable organizations. Each Friends group is dedicated to supplementing and enhancing the unique educational, recreational, research and resource protection mandates of the parks they are affiliated with.
Conservation Foundations –i.e. The Credit Valley Conservation Foundation’s mission is to raise funds and awareness in support of the conservation projects carried out by CVC that protect the health and well-being of the flora and fauna, the watershed and its inhabitants for today and tomorrow. (Includes land)
Friends of Trails Organizations – i.e. the charity and the trail is one in the same – such as FORT, Friends of the Greenbelt Foundation, The Bruce Trail, The Waterfront Trail, the Trans Canada Trail, Lambton Shores Nature Trails, Kincardine Trails Association. Continual in-out effort
Friends of Glengarry Trails Association. Continual in-out effort – “These all season trails were originally constructed with the assistance of Federal and Municipal funding. The trails are now financed through the generosity of trail users, the memberships paid to the FGTA and fundraising events.
Private landowners have generously allowed the trails to be built on their property. The FGTA is aware of its responsibility to both the landowners and those using the trails. Many hours of volunteer work ensure that the trails are safe and  passable. In winter many of the trails are groomed for cross country skiing. Walking and snowshoeing are also popular activities. It is important for your safety and the wellbeing of the land owners that you stay on the trails.”
Regional Trail Committees – these organizations fund to secure trails and land for many different trails and uses.
There are 53 in Ontario. 12 represent trails and active transportation, the others represent mixed use trail collaborative. These committees are inclusive and develop project pathways that vary across all types, i.e.
Hamilton Burlington TC Niagara Trails Committee Oxford County Trails Council
Ontario Trails Council - Regional Trail Development Guide: developed in partnership with the Trans Canada Trail, this guide helps communities develop trail stakeholder committees. Once formed these committees help to:
  • Mitigate Trail Use Conflict
  • Seek Funds
  • Encourage Use
  • Work to reduce Trespass
Want a copy or a seminar? Contact OTC – 613-396-3226

Ontario Trails Council requests information updates!

During the past two weeks, through the generous financial support of the Ontario's Highlands Tourism Organization, the OTC was able to secure the support services of Brooke Jones, a Queen's University Student. Brooke got to work right away updating our OTC contacts database.

ontario's highlands tourism organization logoYou may have received an e-mail from her requesting information so that we can stay connected. The OTC will not re-distribute or use the information in any way other than to connect with you in order to provide you with information updates about programs and services we provide. Including Trailhead Ontario information.

Sorry for any confusion we have since given Brooke her own gmail account -

She will follow up with you from this address in future. Many thanks for your continued support of our work.
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Friday, January 15, 2016

Ontario Trails News - Trailhead Ontario 2016 - Renfrew County is a host! Thanks.

Trailhead Ontario 2016 – Renfrew

In June of 2016 trail enthusiasts and supporters are headed to Calabogie for two days of meetings and lively discussion about all types of trails.

Our hosts invite you to join us to hear stories from city, country, town and wilderness. We will be talking about the great adventures we share and how to get more folks to love the outdoors the way we do.
June 19, 20, 21, 2016.

The location is Calabogie Peaks Resort in Calabogie Ontario.

The event is currently supported by Ontario’s Highlands Tourism Organization and Renfrew County.
Sponsorship Opportunities  – why not show your support of trails, the youth that hike and bike, seniors that walk or folks of all ages that canoe, climb, ride or otherwise enjoy the outdoors!


All over Ontario ‘Trail Partners” make trails work!
No trail was ever built in isolation. Just like your favorite trail, the Trailhead Ontario 2016 – Renfrew –  is only possible because of the generous support of the groups on this page!
We also appreciate the support  of the individuals that register for the event too!
Click the picture to find out more about the partners –
Ontario Highland's Tourism Organization logo
Ontario’s Highlands Tourism Organization
Renfrew County Logo
Renfrew County
Trailhead Ontario Events

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Thursday, January 7, 2016

Ontario Trails News - Trailhead Ontario - Calabogie Peaks June 19, 20, 21, 2016

Trailhead Ontario 2016 – Renfrew

In June of 2016 trail enthusiasts and supporters are headed to Calabogie for two days of meetings and lively discussion about all types of trails.

Our hosts invite you to join us to hear stories from city, country, town and wilderness. We will be talking about the great adventures we share and how to get more folks to love the outdoors the way we do.
June 19, 20, 21, 2016.

The location is Calabogie Peaks Resort in Calabogie Ontario.

The event is currently supported by Ontario’s Highlands Tourism Organization and Renfrew County.
Sponsorship Opportunities  – why not show your support of trails, the youth that hike and bike, seniors that walk or folks of all ages that canoe, climb, ride or otherwise enjoy the outdoors!


All over Ontario ‘Trail Partners” make trails work!
No trail was ever built in isolation. Just like your favorite trail, the Trailhead Ontario 2016 – Renfrew –  is only possible because of the generous support of the groups on this page!
We also appreciate the support  of the individuals that register for the event too!
Click the picture to find out more about the partners –
Ontario Highland's Tourism Organization logo
Ontario’s Highlands Tourism Organization
Renfrew County Logo
Renfrew County
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Monday, December 28, 2015

Ontario Trails News - join us for Trailhead Ontario - Renfrew 2016 - June 19, 20, 21, 2016

Trailhead Ontario 2016 – Renfrew

In June of 2016 trail enthusiasts and supporters are headed to Calabogie for two days of meetings and lively discussion about all types of trails.

Our hosts invite you to join us to hear stories from city, country, town and wilderness. We will be talking about the great adventures we share and how to get more folks to love the outdoors the way we do.
June 19, 20, 21, 2016.

The location is Calabogie Peaks Resort in Calabogie Ontario.

The event is currently supported by Ontario’s Highlands Tourism Organization and Renfrew County.
Sponsorship Opportunities  – why not show your support of trails, the youth that hike and bike, seniors that walk or folks of all ages that canoe, climb, ride or otherwise enjoy the outdoors!


All over Ontario ‘Trail Partners” make trails work!
No trail was ever built in isolation. Just like your favorite trail, the Trailhead Ontario 2016 – Renfrew –  is only possible because of the generous support of the groups on this page!
We also appreciate the support  of the individuals that register for the event too!
Click the picture to find out more about the partners –
Ontario Highland's Tourism Organization logo
Ontario’s Highlands Tourism Organization
Renfrew County Logo
Renfrew County

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