Showing posts with label ontario's highlands tourism organization. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ontario's highlands tourism organization. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Ontario Trails News - thanks to all our presenters at Trailhead Ontario 2016! Thanks to OHTO and Renfrew for their support!


L'écoute de Louise Bissonette de Prescott Russell Sentiers parler de sentiers dans cette région. Nous avons appris beaucoup de choses sur leurs boucles et les grandes cartes qu'ils ont produites . Merci Louise !

Learning about the connection of the Trans Canada Trail across the country. Thanks to Mike Goodyear for bringing us their update and thanks to Jane Murphy for facilitating his involvement. Thank-you

Very pleased to welcome Peter Jeffery from the Ontario Federation of Agriculture to Trailhead Ontario 2016! Thank you Peter.
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Friday, January 15, 2016

Ontario Trails News - Trailhead Ontario 2016 - Renfrew County is a host! Thanks.

Trailhead Ontario 2016 – Renfrew

In June of 2016 trail enthusiasts and supporters are headed to Calabogie for two days of meetings and lively discussion about all types of trails.

Our hosts invite you to join us to hear stories from city, country, town and wilderness. We will be talking about the great adventures we share and how to get more folks to love the outdoors the way we do.
June 19, 20, 21, 2016.

The location is Calabogie Peaks Resort in Calabogie Ontario.

The event is currently supported by Ontario’s Highlands Tourism Organization and Renfrew County.
Sponsorship Opportunities  – why not show your support of trails, the youth that hike and bike, seniors that walk or folks of all ages that canoe, climb, ride or otherwise enjoy the outdoors!


All over Ontario ‘Trail Partners” make trails work!
No trail was ever built in isolation. Just like your favorite trail, the Trailhead Ontario 2016 – Renfrew –  is only possible because of the generous support of the groups on this page!
We also appreciate the support  of the individuals that register for the event too!
Click the picture to find out more about the partners –
Ontario Highland's Tourism Organization logo
Ontario’s Highlands Tourism Organization
Renfrew County Logo
Renfrew County
Trailhead Ontario Events

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Thursday, January 7, 2016

Ontario Trails News - Trailhead Ontario - Calabogie Peaks June 19, 20, 21, 2016

Trailhead Ontario 2016 – Renfrew

In June of 2016 trail enthusiasts and supporters are headed to Calabogie for two days of meetings and lively discussion about all types of trails.

Our hosts invite you to join us to hear stories from city, country, town and wilderness. We will be talking about the great adventures we share and how to get more folks to love the outdoors the way we do.
June 19, 20, 21, 2016.

The location is Calabogie Peaks Resort in Calabogie Ontario.

The event is currently supported by Ontario’s Highlands Tourism Organization and Renfrew County.
Sponsorship Opportunities  – why not show your support of trails, the youth that hike and bike, seniors that walk or folks of all ages that canoe, climb, ride or otherwise enjoy the outdoors!


All over Ontario ‘Trail Partners” make trails work!
No trail was ever built in isolation. Just like your favorite trail, the Trailhead Ontario 2016 – Renfrew –  is only possible because of the generous support of the groups on this page!
We also appreciate the support  of the individuals that register for the event too!
Click the picture to find out more about the partners –
Ontario Highland's Tourism Organization logo
Ontario’s Highlands Tourism Organization
Renfrew County Logo
Renfrew County
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Monday, December 28, 2015

Ontario Trails News - join us for Trailhead Ontario - Renfrew 2016 - June 19, 20, 21, 2016

Trailhead Ontario 2016 – Renfrew

In June of 2016 trail enthusiasts and supporters are headed to Calabogie for two days of meetings and lively discussion about all types of trails.

Our hosts invite you to join us to hear stories from city, country, town and wilderness. We will be talking about the great adventures we share and how to get more folks to love the outdoors the way we do.
June 19, 20, 21, 2016.

The location is Calabogie Peaks Resort in Calabogie Ontario.

The event is currently supported by Ontario’s Highlands Tourism Organization and Renfrew County.
Sponsorship Opportunities  – why not show your support of trails, the youth that hike and bike, seniors that walk or folks of all ages that canoe, climb, ride or otherwise enjoy the outdoors!


All over Ontario ‘Trail Partners” make trails work!
No trail was ever built in isolation. Just like your favorite trail, the Trailhead Ontario 2016 – Renfrew –  is only possible because of the generous support of the groups on this page!
We also appreciate the support  of the individuals that register for the event too!
Click the picture to find out more about the partners –
Ontario Highland's Tourism Organization logo
Ontario’s Highlands Tourism Organization
Renfrew County Logo
Renfrew County

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